Rebuffing each amorous attempt by Daryl
Pretty plain and simple, just make sure whenever he flirts with you make sure your answer is as direct as you can be. YOU MUST TURN HIM DOWN 3 TIMES TO GET THIS AWARD. There is a way to screw this up so be sure to question him often and after each lead.
2.) EASTER EGG - Confidential
Enter the #14 puzzle code into the pop machine and see what happens "COOL, COOL, POP, SPOT, GRAPE"
When you enter this combination - Cool, Cool, Extra POP, SPOT Cola, Grape; an Easter egg comes out and you will also be awarded 80 quarters.
answering the trivia question correctly
Grape, Grape, Orange, COOL!!
You get this by setting off the alarm at least 5 times
For reaching last level of Barnacle Blast
HINT: This has 20 levels and is a very difficult game if you try to beat it straight through. But to win it faster and easier, save it mid game so you don't lose all your lives. If you save mid game (meaning during a live ball), you can reload without saving from where you left off and it starts your paddle with a new ball (rather than still in mid air). Quite the cheat. I played this game all the way through this way and ended up at the end with 45 lives. It is a bit of a bummer that it doesn't make a big deal when you finish level 20, it just starts over at level 1 keeping your high score. (Mine was 2,344,000 at the end of all 20 levels.)
It was kinda neat that when you reach level 20 it says "JAKE WAS HERE"
For reading every single book
In Aunt Eloise's House, go in to the living room and go to the stack of books on the small table, open and read the book "Hidden Clues are Everywhere" you can read the portion about the haunted ghost bridge - but the clue is in the Title, it gives you an idea what to look for to get started - hidden clues.
Also in Aunt Eloise's House on the book shelf to the left of the TV/VCR is a set of books, click on the active book and open it to see some sort of dialogue.
Enter the library in the school. There is a lot to look at there so for the sake of organization we will pan the room from left to right and bottom to top floor respectively.
Enter the doors and look left, starting at the double doors where the book return cart is, move toward the book shelves on the left side of the room. Turn the corner move up one screen and take a left into the isle.
Here you will find an active shelf on the left on the first column 2nd shelf from the top. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf on "How to Identify Gemstones", thumb through it until the end.
In the same isle you will find an active shelf on the right, on the 2nd column, top shelf. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf on "Ichi-Do", thumb through it until the end.
Now lets go to the next isle. Here you will find an active shelf on the left on the 2nd column, 3rd shelf from the top. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf on "What is a Relic", thumb through it until the end.
In the same isle you will find an active shelf on the right on the 2nd column 2nd shelf from the top. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf on "Werewolves", thumb through it until the end.
Now let's go over to the other side, so starting from the library double doors, turn right, go forward twice and look left at the book shelves. You will see 5 active bookshelves, click the top left bookshelves with the red books, click on the "K11" book of the Encyclopedia Americana collection, (hmmm that medallion Connie is wearing is Kanji for crane.)
Click next on the lower left bookshelf with the purple books, click on the "H" volume of the Knowledge collection. Open it up and see that is about Harry Houdini.
Click next on the upper middle bookshelf with the solid green books, click on the "M" volume of the Encyclopedia Libraria of America collection. Open it up and see that is about Marie Antoinette.
Click next on the lower middle bookshelf with the green & white books, click on the "S" volume of the Explorer collection. Open it up and see that is about Lizzie Applegate and the History of San Francisco.
Click next on the upper right bookshelf with the multi-colored books, click on the "B" volume of the Global Book Encyclopedia collection. Open it up and see that is on Braille.
Now lets go on up the stairs and look at the shelving isles up there. Lets start out at the top of the left side of the stair case. Go forward 2 screens and take your next right into the isle.
In the first isle there are no active book shelves on the left, but on the right on the 2nd column 2nd shelf from the bottom, you will see an active shelf. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf that has writing in another language.
Now lets go to the next isle. Here you will find an active shelf on the left on the 2nd column, 3rd shelf from the top. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf which begins on a Preface about Santa Ana Domingo, thumb through it until the end.
You will find that there are no active shelves on the right side of the isle.
In the next isle you will find an active shelf on 4th column and the 2nd shelf from the top on the left. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book on that shelf that has writing in another language.
In the same isle you will find an active shelf on the right on the 1st column 3rd shelf from the top. Click the active shelf and you will see an active book with an overview of the Crystal Skulls, thumb through it until the end.
For snooping in every corner
Click on the Administration IN/OUT board this is one non active part of the game that is needed to achieve this award.
Click on the Gray Enterprises stock news release
Be sure to look in each of the icons on Eloise Drew's computer log-in.
Click on the Student of the month award board for a close up
Make sure you take a look at Connie's Journal when she leaves the room.
Click on the "1967" Sign down in the boiler room.
Click the board in the teachers lounge with the code "CL:D2" on it for an up close view
Click on the cutting board with the tomatoes on it in Maxine's Diner Kitchen it says "WATCH OUT"
Click on the bottom torn corner of the work schedule in Maxine's Diner Kitchen
8.) BURP!
For your love of soft drinks
You will get this award when you purchase and drink each type of soda.
For finding all those shiny quarters
For playing every song
There is no need to wait for them to play all the way through, just pay for and press each individual song.
11.) Q
For following up on every lead
Every time someone says something about someone else, go check up on it, even if it means a lot of footwork.
12.) J'ACCUSE!
For confronting all those weasly suspects
Talk to each character after you see or hear the leads about them.
You missed an Easter eg
ReplyDeleteg. You have to finish the maps clue and open Jake's box under his chair before you get the letter at the diner saying to meet somebody in the basement. If you get the letter first, you lose the chance of getting that Easter egg.