Go to the right, go to the right again and you will see a magazine rack. Click on the "SPORTS TODAY" magazine and open it up. Nancy says: "Hectinol is a steroid and was one of the drugs stolen at the Drug Station" I wonder who would take steroids???An athlete maybe??? Hulk Sanchez maybe??? We should probably look for more evidence on this.
Now turn around and you will see some more book shelves You will see 5 active bookshelves. Click the top left bookshelves click on the K11 book , Nancy says: "Hmmm...that medallion Connie is wearing is Kanji for crane." This reminds us of the clue#7 "NOWHERE TO TURN TO, NOWHERE TO HIDE, LET THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY, BE YOUR ANSWER GUIDE." "A SYMBOL OF KANJI WORN WITH GREAT PRIDE REFLECTS BIG SECRETS THAT SOMEONE MUST HIDE " "HE DID WHAT IT TOOK TO MAKE THE GRADE, EVEN IF IT WASNT CHEATING, TO KEEP UP HIS CHARADE."
Click next on the upper right bookshelf with the multi-colored books, click on the "B" volume of the Global Book Encyclopedia collection. Open it up and see that is on Braille. How very helpful. If you remember, you needed to decipher the door lock for the maintenance room. The password on Aunt Eloise's computer log in for the maintenance room was "NOTE". See on this page that the braille code should be
Now pan over to the short wooden file cabinet. You will see that each cabinet is a map drawer, which reminds us of clue #10 "FIFTH MAP DRAWER"
Click on the 5th Drawer and you will see a card as follows:
This must be deciphered. To solve this clue, begin from the top right red letter "I" and skip every other letter going from left to right top to bottom and when you get to the bottom start on the blue letters in the same manner in the same pattern. See below for answer:
Do you remember his combo? Lets go look for the catalog.
Notice that there is a 17th code: Na:L3
Head over to the reference section in the back right hand corner and go to one of the computers on the wall. Click on the computer and enter Jake's combination into the search bar of the computer: 5253 and click "GO"
The answer comes up "EVIDENCE J. ROGERS UNDER MY SEAT REFERENCE"...Well I guess we look under his seat, but where is it? Lets continue to look around.
Let's head upstairs. Go to the right. and around the banister railing to the back wall by the portraits. Here you see a Periodic Table of the Elements on the wall approach and click on it. It shows a close up of the Periodic Table. This reminds us of the clue #9 "PUT ELEMENTS IN ORDER TO OPEN PUZZLE" This still does not mean anything yet so lets continue on.
You will see a table with a book under it under this Periodic Table of Elements. Click on the table and it goes to a close up, there is a note "Jake was here!" as well as a chemistry book. This is the chemistry book of Jake's from the clue found on the eye chart "IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO ME LOOK IN MY CHEMISTRY BOOK PAGE THREE ZERO FIVE."
Click on the book and it automatically opens to page 305 and you will see a note from Jake as follows:
Notice that there is an 18th code: I:U2
We do not know about the box yet, and we haven't seen the matchbook yet, if you remember, that schedule corner at Maxine's diner was ripped off and nothing was there, so we will need to keep an eye open for the box and the matchbook. He does mention 18 steps and so far with the code on the bottom of this page makes 18 codes that we have found. "The elements tell the order", we will need to put together this clue. This reminds us again of the clue#9 "PUT ELEMENTS IN ORDER TO OPEN PUZZLE". Finally "The letter and the digit tell the direction" This shows that the first part of the code goes to the table of elements and the 2nd part of the code tell the direction, but the direction of what? We will have to see. For now lets put the elements in order. I will list the first code to the 18th in the order that we found them on this walkthrough for the sake of organization then we will look at the periodic table of elements and can put them together from there.
Now correspond the first letters with the appropriate symbol on the Periodic Table. You will see that each symbol has a number beside it. It is this number that will determine the correct order of the elements. I will put the number from the table of elements by the correct element symbol. See Below:
1.)Xe - 54
2.)Te - 52
3.)Hg - 80
4.)He - 2
5.)Ir - 77
6.)Kr - 36
7.)K - 19
8.)HF - 72
9.)Zn - 30
10.)La - 57
11.)AS - 33
12.)C - 6
13.)Zr - 40
14.)Y - 39
15.)Ag - 47
16.)CL - 17
17.)Na - 11
18.)I - 53
Now all we have to do is put them in order smallest to greatest according to the number on the Periodic Table of Elements:
4.)He:u2 - 2
12.)C:R1 - 6
17.)Na:L3 - 11
16.)CL:D2 - 17
7.)K:R1 - 19
9.)Zn:D1 - 30
11.)AS:U4 - 33
6.)Kr:L2 - 36
14.)Y:D3 - 39
13.)Zr:R4 - 40
15.)Ag:D1 - 47
2.)Te:L3 - 52
18.)I:U2 - 53
1.)Xe:R3 - 54
10.)La:U2 - 57
8.)HF:L1 - 72
5.)Ir:D2 - 77
3.)Hg:L3 - 80
Now we have them all in order: The last clue on his notebook page says that the letter and the number tell you the direction. Hmmmm, maybe this goes with the fourth clue we came to: Clue #4 "UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT THE FIRST LETTERS WILL HELP MY PLIGHT". If you notice, the first letters are all either U, D, L or R. So this goes with this clue. Now we need to find out where we use the combination. Lets move on.
So we have found a lot of info here, lets go see if we can enter the Mechanical room now that we have the code.
Go to the Mechanical room and enter NOTE in braille as follows:
(Did you notice that the center section spells Jake??? Interesting)
Enter the door and go to the elevator, click on the red button to go down to the boiler room. Here you are taken down to the boiler room, look around and you will see a sign on the wall "1967". You will also see a tool box on the floor, open it up and retrieve the pair of gloves in it. Also notice the emergency instructions on the wall above the toolbox. Well that is all for this room. Click on the elevator button to go back upstairs.
It looks like we need to discuss some of the things we have found out in the library with all the students so lets go question Connie & Daryl.
Start with Connie in the Student's Lounge about that symbol she is wearing: She is very coy when you bring out that her necklace means "Crane" and that is the name of the judo school.
Lets go now to Daryl at: MAXINE'S 4TH TRIP.
what is the box under the red chair code we do n
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